What is an Air Conduction Hearing Aid?
Various choices of hearing instruments are available for people who have
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Tinnitus is a common problem, which occurs when you hear noises that are not produced by an external source. Although not a condition in itself, tinnitus can cause symptoms that make day to day life difficult to handle. If you have questions about tinnitus, or you’re not sure whether to seek help for your symptoms, here are some top FAQs about tinnitus.
Tinnitus is a sensation, which occurs when you can hear noises and sounds that don’t come from the environment around you. You can hear sounds, but these noises are not generated by an outside source. Tinnitus is also known as ringing in the ears. Sounds you may hear when you have tinnitus include:
Tinnitus is often a temporary problem, which is caused by exposure to loud noises. If you’ve been shooting clays, you’ve been to a concert, or you’ve partied the night away at a club, you may find that you suffer from short-term tinnitus. It’s very common to go to bed with ringing or buzzing noises in your ears, and for those noises to have subsided by the time you get up the next day. In some cases, however, tinnitus is a chronic issue. Tinnitus is not a condition, and it usually results from an underlying cause. Examples of possible causes include:
Many people find that symptoms of tinnitus fade without any need for treatment, but in some cases, it’s beneficial to see a hearing healthcare professional. If your symptoms have got worse, or you’re experiencing bouts of tinnitus more frequently, it’s advisable to seek advice. An experienced hearing specialist can help to identify potential causes and come up with practical solutions.
There are various treatment options available for those who suffer from tinnitus. In many cases, tinnitus doesn’t require treatment, but if it’s impacting your day to day life, a hearing professional can help. The most common types of treatment include sound therapy and hearing aids. If you have hearing loss, the absence of sound can exacerbate symptoms of tinnitus. Wearing hearing aids will improve your hearing and fill those gaps, which should alleviate symptoms. Sound therapy also known as tinnitus retraining therapy, is a means of training your brain to zone out from the sounds associated with tinnitus and focus on other noises. If you see a hearing healthcare professional for advice about tinnitus, they will recommend treatments based on your symptoms and whether you suffer from hearing loss.
Do you struggle with tinnitus? If you can hear ringing or humming noises in your ears, and it’s not a temporary response to loud music or a day at the shooting range, it’s wise to seek advice from a hearing care specialist. If tinnitus is impacting your daily life or your wellbeing, there are effective solutions out there.
Various choices of hearing instruments are available for people who have
One of the first assumptions that people have when they experience hearing
Hearing aids are an incredibly useful technology for those experiencing